Database languages, sometimes referred to as query languages or data query languages, are a group of programming languages used by programmers to create and retrieve databases, which are electronic collections of structured data. With the use of these languages, users may accomplish operations including defining and updating data, managing access to data, and conducting information searches within the database management system (DBMS). A database management system (DBMS) is a technological tool that communicates with users, applications, and the database to record and analyze data. It also manipulates the database to provide a means of storing, retrieving, and accessing data.

Users can express database updates and queries, which are requests for data, using the database languages that a DBMS supports. SQL, the common programming language for many databases, is one of the many instances of database languages that are available. Four sublanguages make up database languages, each of which performs a different task.
Types of Database Languages in DBMS
1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
DDL stands for Data Definition Language. The database schema, or the structure that depicts the arrangement of data, is specified by the data defining language (DDL), which builds the database's framework. Among its frequent applications are the creation and modification of database tables, files, indexes, and columns. Additionally, users can use this language to rename or remove the current database or any of its components. A list of DDL statements is shown below:
CREATE: generates a new object or database, including a table, index, or column.
ALTER: modifies the database's or object's structure.
DROP: removes the database or any items that are already there.
RENAME: renames an existing item or database.
2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. The procedures that manage user requests are provided by data manipulation language (DML), which gives users a means of accessing and modifying the data they keep in databases. Inserting, updating, and retrieving data from the database are among its often performed tasks. A list of DML statements is as follows:
INSERT: Updates the current database table with fresh information.
UPDATE: Modifies or changes the table's values.
DELETE: Eliminates rows or records from the table
SELECT: Retrieves information from one or more tables.
3. Data Control Language (DCL)
DCL stands for Data Control Language. Access to the information that users store in a database is managed by data control language (DCL). In essence, this language manages the database system's permits and rights. It enables users to give or take away database privileges. A list of DCL statements is provided below:
GRANT: Makes the database accessible to a user.
REVOKE: Takes away a user's database access.
4. Transaction Control Language (TCL)
TCL stands for Transaction Control Language. Transaction control language (TCL) is used to regulate database transactions. A grouping of related tasks into a single executable task is called a transaction. The transaction must be successful if all of the tasks are completed. TCL statements are listed as follows:
COMMIT: Executes a transaction.
ROLLBACK: If any duties are not completed, the transaction is restored.
SAVE POINT: Sets a transactional save point.