Hey there, for you here I have created a CSS cheatsheet with property names, descriptions, and simple examples with syntax: I hope this CSS cheatsheet will be helpful for you to quickly revise all the CSS topics 🤩

1. color
This property is used to set the text color of an element.
2. font-size
The font-size property is used to define the size of the text font.
3. font-family
This property is used to specify the font for text content.
4. text-align
text-align property is used to control the horizontal alignment of text.
5. background-color
background-color property is used to set the background color of an HTML element.
6. border
The border property is used to create a border around an element.
7. margin
margin property is used to define space outside of an element's border.
8. width
width is used to specify the width of an element.
9. display
The display property in CSS is used to determine how an element is displayed.
10. position
This property is used to define the positioning method of an element.
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11. padding
padding property is used to set space inside the border and outside of an element.
12. height
This CSS property is used to set the height of an element.
13. line-height
line-height CSS property controls the height of a line of text.
14. text-decoration
The text-decoration property adds decoration to text, like underlines, line-through, etc.
15. list-style
This CSS property is used to set the style of list items.
16. text-transform
text-transform property changes the text casing.
17. box-shadow
The box-shadow property is used to add a shadow to an element.
18. border-radius
This CSS property is used to make rounded corners of an element's border.
19. text-shadow
The text-shadow property is used to create a shadow behind text.
20. background-image
The background-image CSS property is used to set an image as the background of an element.
21. opacity
This CSS property is used to adjust the transparency of an element.
22. overflow
The overflow CSS property controls how content that overflows an element is handled.
23. text-overflow
text-overflow CSS property defines how overflowing text is indicated when truncated.
24. text-indent
This CSS property sets the indentation of the first line of text.
25. box-sizing
The box-sizing property defines how the box model should be calculated.
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26. transition
transition property is used to add smooth transitions when a property changes.
27. transform
The transform CSS property is used to apply 2D or 3D transformations to HTML elements.
28. cursor
This CSS property specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when a user hover on elements.
29. text-align
This property controls the alignment of text within an element.
30. white-space
white-space CSS property is used to determine how white space within an element is handled.
31. letter-spacing
The letter-spacing CSS property adjusts the space between characters in text.
32. word-spacing
This CSS property is used to set the space between words in text.
33. outline
outline CSS property is used to add an outline around an element, and outside the border.
34. text-align-last
The text-align-last CSS property is used to align the last line of text in a block element.
35. border-collapse
This CSS property defines how HTML table borders are collapsed into a single border.
36. visibility
The visibility property is used to control the visibility of an element.
37. text-justify
The text-justify property specifies how text should be justified in a text container.
38. box-decoration-break
The box-decoration-break CSS property determines how box decoration properties are applied to broken inline boxes.
39. text-rendering
This property specifies the quality of text rendering.
40. clip-path
The CSS clip-path property clips an element's content to a basic shape or a more complex path.
41. perspective
This CSS property specifies the perspective from which 3D transformed elements are viewed.
42. transform-style
The transform -style property defines how child elements of a 3D-transformed element are rendered in HTML.
43. backface-visibility
backface-visibility property determines whether the backside of 3D-transformed elements is visible.
44. column-count
This property sets the number of columns an element should be divided into.
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45. column-gap
The column-gap CSS property defines the space between columns in a multi-column layout.
46. column-rule
The column-rule CSS property combines column rule width, style, and color in one property like border.
47. text-orientation
This CSS property sets the orientation of text within its line box.
48. shape-outside
The shape-outside CSS property specifies a shape that content should wrap around.
49. grid-template-columns
The grid-template-columns CSS property defines the size of columns in a grid layout.
50. grid-template-rows
The grid-template-rows CSS property defines the size of rows in a grid layout.
51. grid-gap
This CSS property is used to set the gap between grid rows and columns.
52. grid-auto-rows
This CSS property is used to specify the size of rows created by the grid auto-placement.
53. grid-auto-columns
The grid-auto-columns CSS property is used to define the size of columns created by the grid auto-placement.
54. grid-template-areas
The CSS grid-template-areas property is used for Names and assigns areas to grid layout items.
55. text-overflow
This CSS property specifies what should happen when text overflows its containing element.
56. direction
The CSS direction property is used to define the direction of text, either left-to-right or right-to-left.
57. justify-content
The justify-content CSS property is used to align content horizontally within a flex or grid container.
58. align-items
The justify-items CSS property is used to align items vertically within a flex or grid container.
59. text-align-last
This CSS property sets the alignment of the last line of text in a block container.
60. list-style-type
The list-style-type CSS property is used to specify the type of bullet or numbering for list items.
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I hope this CSS cheatsheet with property name and values will be helpful for you. And you will defiantly enjoy this and also you will use it as reference while building projects. So you can now download PDF of this CSS cheatsheet from the link given below 👇🏻