In this JavaScript tutorial, we are going to learn "Array in JavaScript", "JavaScript Array Example" and Different JavaScript Array Methods with Examples:
What are Arrays in JavaScript?
- JavaScript arrays are similar to a variable that stores different data type variables.
- A JavaScript array can store Primitive and Reference Data Types.
- JavaScript array index always starts from 0. And the last index of the array is "array length - 1".
- Let's see with an example:
JavaScript Array Example:
In the given array example:
- The let keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript. In this case, the variable is named myArray.
- myArray is assigned the value of an array using square brackets [].
Javascript array in different ways examples
JavaScript Array Methods with Examples
1. length
It is used to find the length of an array.
2. indexOf()
indexOf() javascript method is used to get the Index of the given element.
3. isArray():
This array method check, whether the given value is an array or not.
4. push()
This method is used to put the element at the last index of an array.
5. unshift()
This array method in JavaScript is used to put the element at the first index of an array.
6. pop()
pop() array method is used to remove the element with the last index of an array.
7. shift()
This javascript array method is used to remove the element with the first index of an array.
8. reverse()
reverse() javascript array method is used to reverse the given array.
9. concat()
This array method is used to join two arrays in a single array.
10. includes()
This array method is used to find does the given array contains a specific value or not.
11. sort()
sort() javascript array method is used to sort the given array.