Here is the List of 50+ HTML tags with an Example
HTML Doctype Tag
Defines the document type.
HTML Anchor Tag
Defines a hyperlink.
HTML Address Tag
The <address> tag is used to define contact information for the author or owner of a document.
HTML Article Tag
Represents an independent, self-contained piece of content within a document.
HTML Aside Tag
Defines content that is tangentially related to the main content.
HTML Audio Tag
Embeds audio content, allowing you to play audio files on a web page.
HTML Bold Tag
Renders the enclosed text in bold.
HTML BlockQuote Tag
Indicates a section of quoted content from another source.
HTML Body Tag
Contains the main content of an HTML document.
HTML Button Tag
Represents a clickable button.
HTML Break Tag
It is used for line break and create a new line without creating a new paragraph.
HTML Canvas Tag
<canvas> provides a drawing surface for dynamic graphics and animations.
HTML Code Tag
Defines a piece of computer code.
HTML Datalist Tag
Defines a set of predefined options for an <input> element.
HTML Details Tag
Creates a disclosure widget that can be opened or closed to reveal additional content.
HTML Dialog Tag
Represents a dialog box or modal window.
HTML Div Tag
Defines a division or section within a document.
Renders the enclosed text in italics, indicating emphasis.
HTML Fieldset Tag
Groups related form elements together and provide a visual representation.
HTML Figcaption Tag
Represents a caption or legend for an <figure> element.
HTML Figure Tag
Represents self-contained content, such as images, diagrams, or code snippets.
HTML Footer Tag
Defines the footer section of a document or a section.
HTML Form Tag
Creates a form for gathering user input.
HTML h1 to h6 Tag
Headings of different levels, where <h1> is the highest and <h6> is the lowest heading in HTML.
HTML Head Tag
Contains meta-information about the HTML document, such as the title and link to external stylesheets.
HTML Header Tag
Represents the introductory content or a container for the header of a document or a section.
Represents the root element of an HTML document.
Renders the enclosed text in italics.
HTML iframe Tag
Embeds an external web page or document within the current HTML document.
HTML Image Tag
Inserts an image into the web page.
HTML Input Tag
Represents an input control, such as a text field or checkbox.
HTML Label Tag
Defines a label for an <input> element, providing a text description for the associated control.
HTML Legend Tag
Provides a caption or title for a <fieldset> element.
HTML List Tag
Represents a list item within an ordered or unordered list.
HTML Link Tag
Defines a link to an external resource, such as a CSS stylesheet or an icon.
HTML Main Tag
Specifies the main content of a document, excluding headers, footers, and sidebars.
HTML Mark Tag
Highlights or marks specific text within the document.
HTML Meta Tag
Provides metadata about the HTML document, such as character encoding or page description.
HTML Meter Tag
Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
HTML Nav Tag
Defines a section of navigation links.
HTML ol Tag
Creates an ordered list.
HTML Option Tag
Represents an option within a <select> dropdown or <datalist> control.
HTML Paragraph Tag
Used to create a paragraph.
HTML Pre Tag
Used to define preformatted text.
HTML Progress Tag
The <progress> tag in HTML is used to represent the progress of a task or process.
HTML q Tag
The <q> tag in HTML is used to indicate a short inline quotation.
HTML s Tag
Defines strikethrough text.
HTML Script Tag
The <script> tag is used to embed or reference external JavaScript code within an HTML document.
HTML Section Tag
Defines a section within a document.
HTML Select Tag
Defines a dropdown list.
HTML Small Tag
The <small> tag is used to indicate smaller text, often used for disclaimers, and copyright.
HTML Span Tag
Defines a span or an inline element.
HTML Table Tag
Defines a table.
HTML tr Tag
Defines a table row.
HTML td Tag
Defines a table cell.
HTML th Tag
Defines a table header cell.
HTML Title Tag
Defines the title of the HTML page.
HTML Textarea Tag
Defines a multiline text input control.
HTML Time Tag
Represents a specific time or DateTime.
HTML ul Tag
Creates an unordered list.
HTML video Tag
Embeds video content in a document.