What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a popular programming language used for web development. Initially, javascript was used on frontend development but now we can also use it on the backend. It is interpreted during the run time into the machine code and JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995.
It is easy to learn and use. And javascript is an Object-Bassed Scripting Language.
1) Easy to learn: JavaScript is easy to learn programming language as compared to other programming languages like C, C++, or Java.
2) Client-side Scripting: JavaScript can be used for client-side scripting. And it is used to build interactive web pages.
3) User-Friendly Experience: It is used to build interactive web pages and user interfaces, and it also makes more engaging and user-friendly experience of the user with the website.
4) Browser support: JavaScript is a popular language so it is supported by all modern web browsers.
5) Versatility: JavaScript can be used for a large number of tasks with web development and it is also used for server-side scripting to build desktop applications and also used in game development.
6) Community: JavaScript has a large number of active developers community. which means that there are a lot of documentation, tutorials, and open-source libraries available for beginners as well as for intermediate and advanced developers to learn and solve problems.
7) Frameworks and Libraries: JavaScript has gained popularity in very less time, so there are many popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as React, Angular, and Vue, and more which can help speed up the development process and provide a solid foundation for building web applications.
8) Asynchronous programming: JavaScript is asynchronous programming, which means that it can do tasks in the background without blocking the main thread. And it is a single-threaded language.
9) Cross-platform compatibility: As we discussed that JavaScript is a versatile language so it can be used on multiple platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop applications, which makes it a versatile choice for developers.
10) Integration with other technologies: It can easily integrate with other technologies, such as APIs and databases, which makes it a powerful language for building complex web applications.
1) Performance: JavaScript can slow down web pages and cause performance issues when loading the web pages, particularly on older devices or slower internet connections.
2) Code Visibility: Since JavaScript is a Client-Side Scripting language, so the code is visible to anyone who has access to the web page, which causes the way to make attacks on websites for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.
3) Inheritance: JavaScript doesn't support multiple inheritances, it supports only one inheritance.
4) Security Vulnerabilities: It is prone to security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, which can allow attackers to access sensitive information or take control of a website.
5) Code Maintainability: JavaScript code can become difficult to maintain and scale if the web application code base is larger and more complex.
6). Browser Support: JavaScript code is differently interpreted in different web browsers. And the older web browsers don’t support some new functions and features of JavaScript.
5) Stop Rendering: If the javascript code has one error then it can stop the whole website to render.
6) Limited functionality: It is mainly used for client-side scripting. And JavaScript lacks functionality and capabilities as compared to other programming languages, like C++ or Java.