What is CSS Grid Item?
- A grid container contains grid items.
- Grid items are the child element of the grid container.
- A grid item is an item which is a direct child of the grid container.
- By default, a grid container has one grid item for each column, in each row.
This will be our basic boilerplate code for CSS Grid Item Properties
CSS Grid Item Properties
i) grid-column-start & grid-row-start
These properties determine the location of grid items that where to start the item.
ii) grid-column-end & grid-row-end
These properties determine the location of grid items that where to end the grid item.
iii) grid-column
This is the shorthand property for grid-column-start & grid-column-end.
iv) grid-row
It is a shorthand property that is used to achieve the functionalities of grid-row-start and grid-row-end.
v) justify-self
This property is used to align a grid item within a cell along the row/inline axis.
vi) align-self
This property is used to align a grid item within a cell along the column/block axis.
viii) place-self
This is the shorthand property for two properties for align-self and justify-self.