HTML Input Tag Types
1). Input text
It is used to create a text input field.
2). Input color
It is used for input fields that contain color.
3). Input datetime
It specifies an input field which contains the date and time.
4). Input datetime-local
It specifies t the data and time input with no time zone.
5). Input email
It is used for the input field which contains e-mail address.
6). Input file
It is used for the input field which takes a file as input form the user.
7). Input image
It is used to define an image as a submit button.
8). Input number
It is used to define an input field that contains a numeric value.
9). Input password
It is used to create an input field which contains input data as password.
10). Input phone
It defines an input field which contains telephone number.
11). Input range
It is used to define a control for entering a numeric value. The default range is from 0 to 100.
12). Input radio
It is used to create radio button.
13). Input time
It is used to create an input field which allows the user to select a time.
14). Input reset
It is used to create a reset button.
15). Input URL
It is used for input fields that contain a URL address.
16). Input Week
It is used to create an input field which allows the user to select a week and year.
17). Input checkbox
It is used to create a checkbox.
18). Input button
It is used to define a button.
HTML Input Tag Attributes
1). Input name
This attribute is used to specify the name of the element.
2). Input placeholder
It represents, what type of value you can insert in the input field.
3). Input value
This attribute is used to set the initial value to the input field.
4). Input disabled
It is used to disable the input field from the user side.
5). Input required
This specifies that the input field must be filled.
6) Input min-max
These are used to set the min and max values.
7). Input readonly
This attribute is used to make readonly input field.