List of HTML Input Tag Types and Attributes

HTML Input Tag Types

1). Input text

It is used to create a text input field.

<input type='text'>

2). Input color

It is used for input fields that contain color.

<input type='color'>

3). Input datetime

It specifies an input field which contains the date and time.

<input type='datetime'>

4). Input datetime-local

It specifies t the data and time input with no time zone.

<input type='datetime-local'>

5). Input email

It is used for the input field which contains e-mail address.

<input type='email'>

6). Input file

It is used for the input field which takes a file as input form the user.

<input type='file'>

7). Input image

It is used to define an image as a submit button.

<input type='image'>

8). Input number

It is used to define an input field that contains a numeric value.

<input type='number'>

9). Input password

It is used to create an input field which contains input data as password.

<input type='password'>

10). Input phone

It defines an input field which contains telephone number.

<input type='phone'>

11). Input range

It is used to define a control for entering a numeric value. The default range is from 0 to 100.

<input type='range'>

12). Input radio

It is used to create radio button.

<input type='radio'>

13). Input time

It is used to create an input field which allows the user to select a time.

<input type='time'>

14). Input reset

It is used to create a reset button.

<input type='reset'>

15). Input URL

It is used for input fields that contain a URL address.

<input type='url'>

16). Input Week

It is used to create an input field which allows the user to select a week and year.

<input type='week'>

17). Input checkbox

It is used to create a checkbox.

<input type='checkbox'>

18). Input button

It is used to define a button.

<input type='button'>

HTML Input Tag Attributes

1). Input name

This attribute is used to specify the name of the element.

<input type='text' name='text'>

2). Input placeholder

It represents, what type of value you can insert in the input field.

<input type='text' placeholder='Enter your name'>

3). Input value

This attribute is used to set the initial value to the input field.

<input type='text' value='geeks help'>

4). Input disabled

It is used to disable the input field from the user side.

<input type='text' value='geeks help' disabled>

5). Input required

This specifies that the input field must be filled.

<input type='text' required>

6) Input min-max

These are used to set the min and max values.

<input type="range" name="" id="" min="0" max="100">

7). Input readonly

This attribute is used to make readonly input field.

<input type='text' value='geeks help' readonly>

HTML Input Tag Types and Attributes PDF: Download Now


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